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In cooperation with CEPA
Buenos Aires, Hilton, Puerto Madero (Room Pacara)


18th October 2011


10.00&nbsp;am|<b>Official opening and welcome</b>
Mr Gerhard Wagner, EPC President - Mr Roberto Domenech, CEPA President|Lectures
10.30 am|<b>Poultry and Egg Production in South America – Consumer Behavior , Trends and Perspectives</b>
Dr. A. Mendes, Brazilian Poultry Association, UBABEF, Brazil|[<a href="/fileadmin/european-clubs/poultryclub/binary/activities/Presentation-A-Mendes-Arg-2011.pdf">PDF</a>]
11.00 am|<b>The current conditions of the Argentinian Broiler Market - Strategies in the poultry sector</b>
Roberto Domenech,Centro Empresas Procesadoras Avicolas (Cepa), Argentina|[<a href="/fileadmin/european-clubs/poultryclub/binary/activities/Presentation-Domenech-Arg-2011.pdf">PDF</a>]
|Lunch |
02.00 pm |<b>The current conditions of the Argentinian Egg Market – Strategies in the egg sector</b>
Santiago Perea, Ovopront International S.A.|[<a href="/fileadmin/european-clubs/poultryclub/binary/activities/Presentation-S-Perea-Arg-2011.pdf">PDF</a>]
02.30 pm|<b>Overview of the European Egg Market</b>
Enno Herlyn, EW Group, Germany|[<a href="/fileadmin/european-clubs/poultryclub/binary/activities/Presentation-E-Herlyn-Arg-2011.pdf">PDF</a>]
03.00 pm|<b>Global Meat Market and effects on Argentina and Europe </b>
Gordon Butland, Director, G&S Agriconsultants Co.Ltd|[<a href="/fileadmin/european-clubs/poultryclub/binary/activities/Presentation-G-Butland-Arg-2011.pdf">PDF</a>]
03.30 pm|<b>The Soybean Market and the Argentinian Potential of the world market</b>
Guillermo Marseillan, MSU, Argentina|[<a href="/fileadmin/european-clubs/poultryclub/binary/activities/Presentation-Martignone-Arg.2011.pdf">PDF</a>]
|<b>Panel discussion and conclusion</b>
Moderator: Mr Graf von Drechsel, EPC board member|
05.00 pm|<b>End of the conference</b>|
08.00 pm|<b>Gala-Dinner</b> with Club members and Argentinian representatives from the government, CEPA and the poultry industry|